Simply you can remove credit link URL without the redirection. But don’t forget to take the Backup. So Lets start now follow these steps to complete the task step b y step.
Step-1 Take the Backup
Go to Theme > Backup/Restore > Download (for old version blogger) and Theme > Click 3 dots > Backup (New Version Blogger)
Step-2 Open theme HTML Editor
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go to Theme > Edit HTML. While in new blogger go to Theme > Click 3 dots > Edit HTML
Step-3 Search for footer credit link
Now click inside the HTML editor and press “CTRL+F” . A small search bar will pop up.left top side then Search for the following text “Created by” and hit enter.

Step-4 Adding below code to remove the credit link.
when you created by then you will find <div class=’copyright-area’> if area is not mention then add -area.
<div class=’copyright-area’>
Now copy and past the following code just above one of the codes mentioned above
<p style =’ text – align:left;’>Copyright © 2018 – <script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())</script><a href=’’ style=’color:#fff;’> | Your Website Name</a> </p> <div class = ‘remove-footer’ style = ‘font-size: 1px; opacity: 0;’>

Step-5 Save the template and enjoy.
For more updates kindly keep in touch with this website and also our youtube channel.
nice try